Смотреть что такое "measured" в других словарях:
Measured — Meas ured, a. Regulated or determined by a standard; hence, equal; uniform; graduated; limited; moderated; as, he walked with measured steps; he expressed himself in no measured terms. {Meas ured*ly}, adv. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
measured — [mezh′ərd] adj. 1. determined, ascertained, or proportioned by a standard 2. a) regular, steady, or uniform b) steady, slow, and deliberate [to walk with a measured tread] 3. a) rhythmic … English World dictionary
measured — index deliberate, periodic, regular (orderly) Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
measured — (adj.) late 14c., deliberate, restrained, adjective from pp. of MEASURE (Cf. measure) (v.). Meaning uniform, regular is from c.1400 … Etymology dictionary
measured — ► ADJECTIVE 1) slow and regular in rhythm. 2) carefully considered and restrained … English terms dictionary
measured — measuredly, adv. measuredness, n. /mezh euhrd/, adj. 1. ascertained or apportioned by measure: The race was over the course of a measured mile. 2. accurately regulated or proportioned. 3. regular or uniform, as in movement; rhythmical: to walk… … Universalium
measured — [[t]me̱ʒə(r)d[/t]] ADJ GRADED: usu ADJ n You use measured to describe something that is careful and deliberate. The men spoke in soft, measured tones... Her more measured response will appeal to voters... They have to proceed at a measured pace … English dictionary
Measured — Measure Meas ure, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Measured}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Measuring}.] [F. mesurer, L. mensurare. See {Measure}, n.] 1. To ascertain by use of a measuring instrument; to compute or ascertain the extent, quantity, dimensions, or capacity… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
measured — mea|sured [ˈmeʒəd US ərd] adj if you do something in a measured way, you do it in a careful and controlled way, not in an excited or sudden way ▪ a measured response to the problem ▪ She spoke in measured tones … Dictionary of contemporary English
measured — adjective Date: 14th century 1. marked by due proportion 2. a. marked by rhythm ; regularly recurrent < a measured gait > b. metrical 3. deliberate, calculated < a measured response > • measuredly … New Collegiate Dictionary
measured — adjective a) That has been determined by measurement. He ran over a measured mile. b) Deliberate but restrained. He argued in measured tones … Wiktionary